Glow In the Dark Powder Paint

How to use Glow In the Dark Pignmet for Paint?

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What is glow in the dark powder for paint?

Glow in the dark paint is made with glow-in-the-dark powder. The formula is as follows: glow-in-the-dark powder, phosphor (toning), dispersant, anti-settling agent, flattening agent, (acrylic) resin and organic solvent. They are mixed according to an appropriate proportion. The viscosity of the glow-in-the-dark paint is 55-65Ku. The specific gravity of the glow-in-the-dark paint is about 1.10-1.15 (20℃). The glow-in-the-dark paint has strong flammability. Please keep it away from fire sources. Solvent: esters and some benzene Solid content of the glow-in-the-dark paint: 45±5% or more. After absorbing general visible light for 10-20min, the paint can glow in the dark for about 15min. It can expand monotonous planes into fantastic glowing multi-dimensional space.

Glow in the dark paint pigment

Pigment Powder for Paint

Mica Powder

Titanium dioxide Pigment

Photochromic Pigments

Pearl Powder

Thermochromic Paint Pigment

Chameleon Powder

UV Powder

Reflective Pigment

Iron oxide powder

Glow Powder for Paint FAQs

Glow-in-the-dark powder and paint can be mixed. At present, a lot of glow-in-the-dark paints are made by mixing glow-in-the-dark powder, paint and other ingredients. Paints are divided into water-based and oil-based paints. Ordinary glow-in-the-dark powder is suitable for oil-based paints. But only water-based glow-in-the-dark powder is suitable for water-based paints. Ordinary glow-in-the-dark powder must not be mixed with water-based paints, because ordinary glow-in-the-dark powder is dissolved in water, seriously affecting the brightness.

I. Common methods

  1. Mixing method

Mix glow-in-the-dark powder and propylene in a certain proportion. Then, gradually add an appropriate amount of solvent, such as water or colorless acrylic solution. Stir them before use.

  1. Coating method

Apply propylene on the surface of the object. Spray glow-in-the-dark powder on the surface to evenly cover the surface. Pat the surface gently, until glow-in-the-dark powder is fully attached to the surface. Then, apply an appropriate amount of propylene or varnish.

In short, glow-in-the-dark powder and propylene can be mixed easily. Pay attention to some details. Glow-in-the-dark materials with good effects can be made according to the operating procedures.

II. Precautions for mixing

Precautions for mixing glow-in-the-dark powder and propylene:

  1. Screen glow-in-the-dark powder, to remove large particles or uneven part, so that the mixture can be evenly attached. Add an appropriate amount of propylene. Otherwise, the effect of the glow-in-the-dark powder will decline.
  2. Fully stir the glow-in-the-dark powder and

The glow-in-the-dark paint lasts for 3 hours. By fluorescent pigments, fluorescent paints are divided into inorganic and organic fluorescent paints. Organic fluorescent paints contain organic fluorescent pigments. Inorganic fluorescent paints contain inorganic fluorescent pigments. Inorganic fluorescent paints have higher weather resistance, heat resistance and chemical resistance.

1.Keep the glow-in-the-dark paint close to a lamp for a few seconds. It will restore the original brightness. 40W or 60W lamps are enough.

2.The excitation wavelength of the long-acting glow-in-the-dark paint is generally 520(nm).Glow-in-the-dark powder is a luminous substance with special crystal structure. It has a strong ability to absorb light, store light and glow. Note: Avoid using the glow-in-the-dark paint in acids (no neutralization between Al2O3 and acid). Avoid contact with water. Seal the paint as much as possible (it will absorb moisture in the air, resulting in blackening or caking). Avoid contact with metals (they affect the unsaturated state and glowing of glow-in-the-dark powder). Avoid high temperature and high-speed friction (this will change the structure of glow-in-the-dark powder). Otherwise, the glowing will be affected.

The possible reasons are as follows:

  1. Insufficient brightness. The brightness of the glow-in-the-dark raw material may be insufficient. Or the used pigment is of poor quality. Use better glow-in-the-dark raw materials to improve the brightness.
  2. Long-term use, affecting the visibility. Phosphor will be degraded by environmental factors such as oxygen and water in the air. In this case, it will not be luminous.
  3. Insufficient energy. Some glow-in-the-dark materials need external energy for continuous brightness. In this case, add appropriate chemicals in paint to convert photoelectric energy into other energy.
  4. Impact of environmental factors. Theglow-in-the-dark paint may not be bright indoors due to lighting and other factors. It may be suitable for outdoors.

Common glow-in-the-dark powders in paints include phosphor and phosphorescent powder. They are usually non-toxic and harmless. Glow-in-the-dark paints are subject to quality inspection. They shall meet the environmental requirements of national standards. They will not cause direct harm to the human body.

However, there may be some harmful substances in the production of glow-in-the-dark paints, such as chemicals (e.g. toluene and benzene) and solvents. If these harmful substances are not completely removed, or glow-in-the-dark paints are not up to standard, they may do harm to the human body.

Glow-in-the-dark paints may release harmful substances, such as formaldehyde, VOC and other volatile organic compounds. The impact of these substances on the human body needs to be further studied and evaluated. Furthermore, glow-in-the-dark paints may release harmful gases at high temperatures.

Although glow-in-the-dark paints contain no harmful substances, attention should be paid to the emission and control of harmful substances during the production and use. Use the qualified and environmentally friendly glow-in-the-dark paints. Avoid using them at high temperatures, in order to reduce the potential impact on the human body.

Glow-in-the-dark paints are not directly harmful to the human body, but harmful substances may be involved during the production and use. Pay attention to the use of paints, to reduce the potential impact on the human body.

They are suitable for glow-in-the-dark objects and backing materials.

  1. Architectural decoration, interior decoration, lighting, painting and walls.
  2. Glow-in-the-dark identifications, power switches, tools or toolboxes.
  3. Decoration of PUB, KTV, stores, large parties and other business places.
  4. Traffic signs, fire emergency escape systems, military equipment, and landscaping.
  5. Clocks, buttons, field instruments or indicators, radios, and cameras.
  6. Patterns, aluminum rings and steel rings of bicycles, locomotives and automobiles.
  7. Fishing equipment, aquarium equipment, flags, stickers, and toys.
  8. General jewelry, super cool images, ceiling decoration, etc.
  1. Selection of printing paints

For the best glowing effect, use colorless or light-colored paints with good light transmission properties (especially good ultraviolet transmission properties, i.e. no ultraviolet resistance). Paints should also have good light resistance, weather resistance, chemical stability and adhesion. If conditions permit, environmentally friendly water-based paints can be used.

  1. Mixing of paint and glow-in-the-dark powder

If the content of glow-in-the-dark powder is increased, the brightness in the dark will be higher. For the suitable adhesion of glow-in-the-dark powder, the minimum proportion of paint should not be less than 10% (the higher the proportion of paint, the higher the smoothness and finish of glow-in-the-dark coating). The amount of glow-in-the-dark powder is usually 20% to 50% of the paint by weight (or 10% to 35% by volume). The specific amount and proportion should be determined according to the glowing effect and cost of the designed and developed product.


When glow-in-the-dark paint is used for the glow-in-the-dark layer of screen printing, the mesh number should be 120 or below. The larger the mesh aperture, the better effect will be achieved. If the mesh number is too small (more than 150 meshes) in screen printing, the effect of glowing in the dark will be greatly reduced.

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