What are the considerations using glow in the dark pigment for paint?

Recently, I have been using glow in the dark pigment to prepare glow-in-the-dark paint, but had some problems while using the coating, and so suffered losses. What should I notice when preparing and using glow-in-the-dark paint? Please help me.
Picture of Jeff.Chen

Bachelor's Degree in Materials Science and Engineering, Hubei University of Technology

Things to notice during the preparation of glow-in-the-dark paint:
1) You need to add diluent and adjust the mixture to a proper concentration;
2) If the glow-in-the-dark panit area is not on a light-colored background, a white background should be added;
3) It should have a proper thickness, such as 100um;
4) Glow-in-the-dark pigment powder is composed of small particles, only mixed in varnish during application, and thus not dissolvable;
5) Particles can affect adhesion. So, t is important to choose a varnish with good adhesion based on the base material;
6) As the glow in the dark pigment powder makes up a large proportion, it must be continuously shaken or stirred to prevent sedimentation.
7) There should be as less contact with metal as possible;
8) In case of water-based coating, remember to require the supplier to waterproof the glow in the dark pigment powder. Otherwise, it will cause losses.
Case: spraying on material surface
Ratio: Varnish: glow in the dark pigment powder = 1:1 (weight ratio). It is better to spray twice (Let the first coating dry before spraying the second time). You can use less or no additive in case of preparation for current use.

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